About Us

Because we Want You to Love You!

We at Feel Pretty LLC advocate for self-love and self-care. We hope that through our products, we can help you better care for your well-being, in turn improving your self-esteem and making you feel empowered.

We know that life can get busy and that we  can easily get lost in our obligations and responsibilities — whether at home or at work — that we often neglect our own well-being.

At Feel Pretty LLC, we’d like to remind you that you are just as important as the people you care for and that you deserve to be cared for as well.

We want to remind you that you also deserve to take a break, pamper yourself, rest, have fun, and simply relax and enjoy life.

YOU are the best gift you can give the world, so we want to help you always stay at your best!

With our products, we want you to….

We want to help you acknowledge your worth and your beauty and face life and the world with courage and confidence everyday!

Our Story

Feel Pretty LLC’s Founder, Reina Gonzales, is a great advocate of self-love and self-care, which she hopes other people will develop in themselves as well. Being wheelchair-bound, she felt lacking in a lot of things, but that didn’t deter her from moving forward and making the most of her life.
She pursued her goals relentlessly and succeeded in that. Perhaps she felt the need to compensate for her physical challenges by ensuring that she achieved her goals.
However, she was so determined to the point where she started neglecting her well-being — she was always tired, stressed out, burnt out, and isolated.
She also turned into a not-so-nice-person where she became irritable and easily lashed out at other people. It was then she realized she was no longer in a healthy place.
She realized that she was the only one causing her misery and that she had to take better care of herself. She knew she had to change something, and that was the beginning of her journey towards self love.
With this awareness came the realization that so many other people were going through the same things –pursuing goals, caring for others, or pleasing others at the expense of their own well-being.
She also realized that despite being a simple concept, self-love seems to be one that many people reject and find “shocking” due to notions that loving oneself makes them selfish.
Reina believes that self-love allows people to give more of themselves to the world. She believes that if only everyone would learn to love and value themselves, then the world will be a better place.
Although it would be difficult, if not impossible, for her to reach out to every person, Reina hopes that her products can at least help improve their lives and help them feel better about themselves. Through these products, she hopes to help everyone love themselves a little more.
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